SEED Landscape Design

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Preparing Your Garden for Storm Season

Summer storms are an inevitable part of Brisbane’s tropical climate. This is your short and friendly reminder to prepare for storm season.

So what should you be doing before this….

…turns to this?

Before the rains come it is really important to clean up:

  • clean gutters

  • clear drains and pits

  • secure loose outdoor furniture etc around your property

This will minimise the effects of flooding from blocked water-ways and damage caused by objects being blown about.

It is also important to ensure any overland flow paths on your property are clear and safe for water flow caused by storms. If the paths are blocked, and water flow is diverted from its intended path, it can cause flooding to your property or those around you. If you’ve recently had a new home built or landscape works done, be aware of ensuring any soil is not at risk of washing away.

Water way? What water way? Form meets function!

Now (before the storms) is a great time to discuss your overland flow concerns with your Landscape Architect and have a beautiful design produced that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also minimises the impact of overland flow to your property.

Images: 1, 2 pinterest, 3 Outdoor Establishments